Let's learn about Ayurveda
Before making a diagnosis, prescribing a therapy or offering a prognosis, the physician has to collate and compare the information which he gains against his knowledge of the different orders of being in the milieu where the patient lives. In this context, he would take into account the three types of land - arid, marshy and ordinary, three types of temperaments - creation, preservation and destruction - with sixteen sub types, three bases of physical differentiation, with twenty sub types and the three ages of man - childhood, middle years and old age.
Ayurveda is not only the knowledge of life, but essentially the knowledge of healthy living, having as much concern with the normal as with the abnormal of pathological. Though the modern health care develops a lot, it concentrates on the techniques of a healthy normal life.
Before making a diagnosis, prescribing a therapy or offering a prognosis, the physician has to collate and compare the information which he gains against his knowledge of the different orders of being in the milieu where the patient lives. In this context, he would take into account the three types of land - arid, marshy and ordinary, three types of temperaments - creation, preservation and destruction - with sixteen sub types, three bases of physical differentiation, with twenty sub types and the three ages of man - childhood, middle years and old age.
Ayurveda is not only the knowledge of life, but essentially the knowledge of healthy living, having as much concern with the normal as with the abnormal of pathological. Though the modern health care develops a lot, it concentrates on the techniques of a healthy normal life.